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By Debra Boyle (Personal Holistic Coach)

So many times I hear of people’s feelings of despair and loneliness. We all at times have been through it, or some may be going through it now.
After listening to the News one evening and hearing that one out of three people are going through loneliness, this has prompted me to write this article.
When I listen to what people are saying from the seat of their soul, their words of expression come out with the meaning of this rather traditional quote “Loneliness is not being alone but it’s the feeling that no one care’s”.
(A shocking 30-40% of people don’t think people care.)
Another form of loneliness is wanting a cherished companion or going through a loss with losing a companion or just being understood. The support is not always there. The feeling of loneliness is very daunting. Loneliness can affect every age.
Linking Loneliness to Relationships
Relationships in my book is the greatest key to success. A relationship with one’s self, first and foremost. Your relationship with yourself, understanding yourself and trusting in yourself is the most powerful knowing to have. Without the confidence in yourself and having a good healthy outlook about yourself will ultimately block your drive with having a healthy relationship with others.
My experience shows me when a person feels closed off, trust has broken down inwardly and this reflects into different facets of life. It is like a spiral of events that just keeps on moving around with no place to go. Stagnant and stale. Any hope of renewal becomes distant and energy deplete’s very quickly. The fear of rejection keeps a person at a distance, which feeds loneliness and thus many reasons develop from this conflict with a person having lack of trust in themselves and this lack of trust coincides with not only the self but personal relationships, work and or social relationships. Loneliness can cause anger, sadness, isolation, burnout, lack of sleep and depression among just the few.

Quite often there is a misinformed association with loneliness. I believe Solitude is one of the answers to helping a person combat loneliness. With solitude, development of self-acceptance makes it easier to relate and connect on such a level that loneliness if not eradicated at the least becomes less of a threat to health and well-being. Loneliness is depleted with an actual transfer with a focus on a different outlook towards one’s relationship with one’s self and others.

The truth is people do care and people are important. There are people who will support and help rekindle your spark back into life.  So when you do find you are feeling alone, take this time to look at ways to improve in what ever facet of life you choose, in the space of solitude.

Author: debra97

Welcome to NZ Life Coaching: powerful insights, self awareness, improved focus & direction. A professional coach is totally committed to helping you identify and achieve exactly what you want in life. My own specialist field is Holistic coaching. Anyone intent on achieving personal fulfillment needs to address their underlying issues. Having had well over 15 years of experience with youth, young adults and adults alike I have a great understanding of the benefits of coaching in all areas of our lives. Growth is inevitable and when we recognise particular areas of growth in our lives it is hugely rewarding. My role is to support you through the process of reaching your full potential and bringing a balance to you with a totally non judgemental approach. When talking about the "Holistic Approach" what we mean is basically looking at your life as a whole, instead of compartmentalizing and thinking that they are separate. They are all very much connected and reflect into all facets in our lives. Contact Us. We welcome all feedback from our clients. So drop us a line to see how we can help YOU....


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    In Your Space of Solitude.

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